André Luiz Lima Costa Apps

Geologger 1.0.3
Quick & Clean geological database focusedon mineral exploration data.Enter your geological exploration data using your Androidsmartphone and export the data to be used with other desktopapplications.The Geologger database is concise and easy to use. It is dividedinto 5 tables of data:Header - enter your hole, auger, point information in here. Theid must be unique and the coordinates mustbe enteredLog - Enter the description data for that locationGeotech - Enter core recovery and RQD dataSurvey - Hole survey data can be enteredAssay - Enter geochemical results in this table.You can view and edit your data using their respective tablenames, correct the value of an specific entry and press update.The database can be exported as comma separated value (CSV) orXML formats. These files will be stored at the external storage(sdcard or external storage directory). The name of the files areexport.csv and export.xml respectively.
EasyLogger 1.0
Simplified multi purpose logging tool withmapcapabilities.Enter the location coordinates in Latitude-Longitude or UTM(WGS-84)in the location screen and on the log screen add thedesiredinformation associated with each location as manyasnecessary.The locations can be viewed in the map interface withrespectivemarker.The data can be exported in CSV or XML format.You can view and edit your data using their respective tablenames,correct the value of an specific entry and press update.Enjoy the application.
Coordinates Converter 1.3
Get your coordinate data converted between UTM and Lat-Long andchange its Datum
GDS-Auger 1.11
Auger data collection application